Our team

Dr. Julio Vidal Amodeo
Doctor in Law and Social Sciences, graduated from the University of the Republic in 1971.
Member of the Uruguayan Bar Association since 1971.
Founder, Member and former President of the Uruguayan Maritime Law Association.
Former Director of the Centro Permanente de Arbitraje Marítimo (CEAMAR).
Partner and former Vice President and Member of the Uruguayan Section of A.I.D.A. (International Insurance Law Association).
Founder and currently co-director of the Revista de TRANSPORTE y SEGUROS.
Advisor to the Transport Commission of AUDEA.
Specialist in Multimodal, Maritime, Air and Land Transport, and Insurance. He exercises freelance professional activity in these matters.
He has been an international arbitrator in commercial matters.
He has participated in numerous seminars, congresses and conferences on insurance and transport, as a speaker, jury member and participant, and has also written various articles on the subject.
He has held various public positions: Head of the Secretariat of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, member of the Lawyers' Chamber of the Social Security Bank, President of the Caja de Profesionales Universitarios, President of the Honorary Administrative Commission of the Solidarity Fund (University Scholarships).
He is on the list of arbitrators of the Río de la Plata Administrative Commission.